Edit made by Skye2 years ago
Description: Modify art 121
State after edit:{ "state": "game", "metadata": { "gameID": "28", "title": "Wild Life", "shortDescription": "Wild Life is an open world adult RPG playing in a sci-fi fantasy universe.", "longDescription": "Play as Max, the novice mercenary on his first mission - the expedition to Kerpal, and Maya, the cunning young native warrior looking to protect her people.", "creatorName": "Adeptus Steve", "websiteLink": "https:\/\/www.patreon.com\/adeptussteve", "publiclyVisible": "1" }, "tags": { "UNKNOWN": { "1": { "name": "adult gamedev club", "pairingID": "176", "tagID": 1, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "UNKNOWN", "contentLevel": null, "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" }, "6": { "name": "role playing game", "pairingID": "177", "tagID": 6, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "UNKNOWN", "contentLevel": null, "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" }, "12": { "name": "3d", "pairingID": "175", "tagID": 12, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "UNKNOWN", "contentLevel": null, "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" }, "36": { "name": "open world", "pairingID": "174", "tagID": 36, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "UNKNOWN", "contentLevel": null, "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" }, "167": { "name": "unreal engine", "pairingID": "178", "tagID": 167, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "UNKNOWN", "contentLevel": null, "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" } } }, "arts": { "120": { "artID": 120, "artType": "LOGO", "tags": "", "displayOrder": "50", "hidden": "0", "safeForWork": "1" }, "121": { "artID": 121, "artType": "SCREENSHOT", "tags": "", "displayOrder": "50", "hidden": "0", "safeForWork": "1" } } }
This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.