Edit made by Skye2 years ago
Description: tags: +absorption
State after edit:{ "state": "game", "metadata": { "gameID": "57", "title": "The Merging", "shortDescription": "Cock transformation game", "longDescription": "Cock transformation! CTF! And even partial CTF\n\nThis game is about merging. Well you got that from the title, but specifically CTF. (cock transformation: being transformed into the cock of another)", "creatorName": "Xey", "websiteLink": "https:\/\/xey.itch.io\/the-merging", "publiclyVisible": "1" }, "tags": { "UNKNOWN": { "912": { "name": "absorption", "pairingID": "247", "tagID": 912, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "MANDATORY", "contentLevel": "1", "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" }, "1980": { "name": "cock transformation", "pairingID": "246", "tagID": 1980, "appliesTo": "UNKNOWN", "mandatory": "MANDATORY", "contentLevel": "1", "featuredOrder": "0", "tagDescription": "" } } }, "arts": { "153": { "artID": 153, "artType": "SCREENSHOT", "tags": "", "displayOrder": "50", "hidden": "0", "safeForWork": "0" } } }
This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.