News for

Misc Improvements

Today's updates to the site cover misc QOL improvements:

  • Added ability to clear the entered tags or reset the whole form on the tag add page, which helps with the workflow for adding tags with different targets/level
  • Fixed an issue where thumbnails were not being compressed at all, so pages now load faster
  • Changed 'Games List' to 'Games' in sidebar

.io Domain Exception & Bug Fixes

I'm excited to share that we were granted an exception from the .io registry to use our domain for legal adult content! Based on this, I have changed the primary domain back to ''.

Also, a couple bonus improvements:

  • Individual news posts now include proper title and opengraph tags
  • Fixed an issue where pagination for the list of games with a particular tag didn't keep the tags parameter (ie, it was linking back to all games)

Domain change + new features

Our first set of website updates!

  • Changed domain name from '' to ''. Personally, I still prefer the .io TLD, but they technically don't allow NSFW, as was informed in the last club meeting. I reached out to them in the hopes of changing this one day, but going to launch with .games for now.
  • Image upload max size increased from 2MB -> 10MB
  • Though the website still doesn't support resizing gifs, it does now return the original gif file when looking at the full image. This can be useful for embedding 'inline' type animated images. There's still a max 10MB limit -- tools like GIF Optimizer can massively reduce gif sizes.
  • If your images are already uploaded somewhere, there's now an option to download from URL instead of uploading file.
  • Fixed some bugs with tags that have '&' in them, most notably point & click
  • Added a page that lists the tags on the site.
  • Got most of the games from the club added to the site. I did my best tagging them, but you know your games better than anyone, so please do feel free to go in and adjust!
  • More consistent result ordering on various pages

Manage news

Mature Content Warning

This site contains erotic content intended only for adults.